If one of your intentions for the new year is to be more productive at work, create a better work environment for yourself, or create the work that you love, then I have the tools for you to achieve that.
The first thing you must do is De- Clutter!!!
Clear out your space out with the old and in with the new.
Create space to welcome all the things that you want for this year.
Clutter s not just physical but also mental and emotional. We don’t realize how fast it is to accumulate things that we really don’t need, how we hold on to things because of emotional attachment, or sometimes it is just a matter of time. We tell ourselves I’ll get to it later and later never comes.
As long as you continue to live or work among clutter and disarray it will be difficult for you to think clearly, be efficient, and reach your goals. I know that organizing can be a very daunting endeavor for some people, however this will be the key to your success. Below find some tips to get you started and remember, as you remove the clutter from your life you will open the path to success.
So let's start the new year on a good note and get organized.
De-clutter your desk, set a timer for 20 minutes, get a recycle bin roll up your sleeves and start working. Throw away all the paper that you do not need remember you don’t need to keep every single piece of paper you come across a lot of the info can be found on the internet, make piles one to read, one to file, and one T to do like bills to be paid, mail, things that need action
Go thru your emails and cleanout your inbox if there are emails that you need create folders and create categories so that your emails are organized and you can find them easily when you need them.
Clean out your voice mail, have it empty so that you can receive the ones that you are really waiting for.
Go thru all of your mail, throw away all junk mail create a routine of going thru mail everyday, so that it does not accumulate.
Create a Master Task List this is where you will write down everything that is on your mind that needs to be done. Then take out your monthly calendar and decide what activity you are going to do which day.
Create a gratitude journal; write in it everyday give thanks to a minimum of 5 things everyday before you go to bed.